Water Heater Replacement

If you enjoy continuous hot water showers and never worrying about your water heater failing on you, you may want to stop and consider replacing your water heater before a serious issue occurs.

If you’re like most families, there is a lot of activity going on throughout your home in the morning. Waking up to a cold shower or a flooded basement could certainly ruin your day. Emergency replacements can be expensive, especially if it happens over a weekend. Replacing your water heater sooner rather than later can help avoid these unwanted, inconvenient surprises. As a rule of thumb, the typical lifespan of a quality water heater is ten years. As a water heater ages, it starts to deteriorate. Watch out for the following signs to determine if you need a new water heater.

Signs You Need a New Water Heater

Rusty Water: To see if your tank is delivering rusty water, drain a portion of it into a five-gallon bucket and look for discoloration. Discolored, rust-tinted water is a tell-tale sign that your water heater is rusting away from the inside out and will most likely leak soon.

Noise: As a water heater ages, sediment builds up on the bottom of the tank. This sediment is heated and reheated, causing it to harden overtime. When this happens, you’ll start to hear rumbling and banging from your water heater. These sounds are a sign that the tank is at the end of its useful life.

Leaking & Moisture Around the Tank: If you notice water dripping on the bottom of the tank or see any pinhole leaks, the tank is definitely on its last legs.

Gas Odors: It’s very common for older tanks to emit small amounts of natural gas through loose fittings and joints. If you notice this, call a licensed professional right away.