What are the 3 Main Water Heater Regulations? And Why are They Important? With energy efficiency becoming more important, the U.S. Department of Energy began initiating mandates to make appliances better at conserving energy. While appliances such as washers, dryers, and refrigerators have been included in these mandates, it has been water heaters which have been the main focus. Due to the fact that water heaters account for nearly 20 percent of a home’s monthly energy expenses, it has become imperative that they be made to operate more efficiently. Easton, PA water-heater-services To make this happen, Final Rule energy efficiency regulations were put into place by the Energy Department. These regulations, which established guidelines for manufacturers of water heaters, made it possible to reduce appliance energy use while conserving natural resources. To gain a better understanding of the regulations and their impact on Easton consumers, here is additional information that may prove very helpful. Energy Factors The basis for the new regulations revolves around Energy Factors, which measure how much energy delivered to the water heater is actually used to produce hot water. These mandates, which are designed to help Easton homeowners save money on their monthly bills, will be periodically audited to determine if they are meeting government standards. Since they are applicable to virtually all residential electric, gas, oil, and tankless systems, the regulations are expected to greatly impact both consumers and manufacturers. Gas Heaters Put into effect in part due to the growing popularity of gas water heaters, the new regulations lean heavily toward increasing the efficiency of these heaters. While those heaters of 55 gallons or less will see minimal differences, it is those above 55 gallons that will have their efficiency greatly increased. This is indicated by the increased EF requirements for 75 gallon heaters, which will go from a current standard of .53 to .74. Representing an increase in efficiency of nearly 40 percent, it’s expected to help save hundreds of dollars over the course of a year for consumers. Electric Heaters While gas heaters have been levied with new regulations the most, electric heaters have also been expected to become more energy efficient. For heaters of 50 gallon capacities, the EF standard has risen from .90 to .95, meaning homeowners will likely see savings as well each month. However, these heaters will now be made to be larger than previous models, which could prove problematic for consumers if they prove to be too big for where the original heater was placed. Any hold ups regarding your Easton, PA water heater? Call Ameriserve at 908-859-0207 today for any of your repair or maintenance requests.